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Re: Death Gate and Mouse

in DOS
you can try the >>mouseset<<; it takes a little different approach than mouse2kv so i'm not completely sure if it (mouseset) is obsolete (as the link says ;-) ); and a question: does changing parameters (from command line) in mouse2kv change anything in mouse behavior in the game? (try giving …

Re: Mouse "stuck" in multiple titles

in DOS
you can try to use a mouse2kv tool i recently posted to the "xcom/win2k/mouse" thread; it does't help with anything related to lockups, just may heal mouse cursor; but hey, if you have win2k it shouldn't hangup

Re: XCOM Apoc/WIn2k mouse problem

in DOS
:P i was thinking about those "end-users" and infecting possibly system where they'll execute this exe 'cos i can't guarantee that i'm virii-free; but i'm sure you understood me (you don't think i'm that silly, do you? ;) ) nevermind (and the zip checksum is sufficient, i think ;) ) i've just …

Re: XCOM Apoc/WIn2k mouse problem

in DOS
well, thanks for all the help, it's finally (or partially ;) ) solved; in general it works so i can play now (and so i will ;) ) the only problem that remains is that when you move your mouse the game loses the track of time and speeds up a little (how much probably depends on system); in xcom it's …

Re: XCOM Apoc/WIn2k mouse problem

in DOS
that seems sensible and i'm trying to implement it; i intercept int33 function for setting a handler and set my own one which mangles the coordinates the way i want and then passes the execution to the handler defined by the game; the new problem is that it crashes(i get something similar in shape …

Re: XCOM Apoc/WIn2k mouse problem

in DOS
well, sorry to spam the forum again with some ridiculous log but it's what i got when logged ints 10h and 33h; xcom does perfectly (imo) what it should; but i doesn't work; the ranges are set AFTER setting the vid mode; i tried to set 640x480 (and some other vals) without 8 multiplier in the …

Re: XCOM Apoc/WIn2k mouse problem

in DOS
yes, perheaps it's a little strange, cos' if it was a text mode then it'd be set correctly (in text both dimensions are multiplied by 8, so this one would be 640x480); of course the sad part is that it's graph mode; bt even worse: the set pos works correctly but it shouldn't; well, it was quite late …

Re: XCOM Apoc/WIn2k mouse problem

in DOS
well, thanks for suggestion, i learned something; btw: your (vladr's ;) ) mouseset was an invaluable help; the first program you asked about which set the range for cursor wasn't even resident (i execl-ed the xcomapoc.exe from it), it just did set the range and launched xcom; now i know how naive it …

XCOM Apoc/WIn2k mouse problem

in DOS
ech; sorry to bother and for the new thread, but having read all the forums here at vogons and at xcomufo site didn't find anyone to solve it; the problem is with mouse under win2k in xcom apocalypse; it gets stuck in the upper left corner of the screen (when i launch the game it's in the middle …

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