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Re: Help using an original HL2 DVD without Steam...

in Milliways
It's worth noting that my disc is not the GOTY edition that the tutorial I was following was aimed at, but an earlier edition (all the CAB files on my disc are dated Oct 8th 2004, not sure what build that would make it) I've tried this on both Windows XP and Windows 10. Same result - missing …

Re: 3DFX Voodoo 1 Clock Speed Shenanigans

I had a Voodoo 1 up to 57mhz stable with heatsink+ fan. This was on standard speed PCI bus. It was one of those Guillemot voodoo 1's that apparently are supposed to be run at 45mhz. 58mhz was unstable. Without heatsink+ fan it was unstable even at 50mhz.

Re: The Rage 128 Line of cards is confusing as heck

The page on wikipedia regarding the rage 128 pro is intriguing. It mentions the pro has "better texture filtering" than the 128 non-pro. I wonder if this refers to the sub-par bilinear filter optimization mentioned on the vintage3d rage pro page? ( https://vintage3d.org/rage3.php ) Or maybe it's …

Re: 3DFX Voodoo 1 - Win98 Green Screen

Speed sensitivity issues with the Voodoo Graphics card on faster computers are visible with D3D and DOS Glide games where glitches and lockups happen. Depending on the CPU and motherboard chipset, temporarily lowering the FSB to 66 MHz helps. 66 MHz FSB also worked for me (i810 chipset). The other …

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