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Re: SATA>IDE adapters: Auto-Detecting Pri Master.. [master/slave drives detected but slow wait]

Just a quick follow-up on this one to answer my own question :0) I switched to Startechs using the same config as master and slave on the primary IDE and this fixed the problem with boot at about 18secs compared to 45 - eliminating the 'auto-detecting pri master' type messages. However as I think …

SATA>IDE adapters: Auto-Detecting Pri Master.. [master/slave drives detected but slow wait]

I am working on my latest Win98 machine, based around an Asrock GE Pro-M2 (bios 2.80) with two 128GB SSD into SATA>IDE adapters. Initial Win98 install with no issue, but when adding second drive I find that boot time is delayed as ‘Auto-detecting Pri Master…’ / ‘Auto-detecting Pri Slave…’ message is …

Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

ZDoom_LE_2.8.3a working well on my recently upgraded Pentium3 933mhz with MX440. Completely new to source ports apart from FastDoom but this gives me lots of advantages for this faster vintage PC. Also able to open One Humanity and Sigil WADs, also Brutal Doom mod v21 working fine. Getting …

Re: Amstrad PC1640 XT class upgrade

Thanks very much for taking a look. I don't know if the originals were MFM or RLL hard drives but they were pretty old! I like the ease of blasting away an install from CF image although I feel a bit guilty about the old hardware, so I have tried to make a habit to spin up the original hard drives …

Amstrad PC1640 XT class upgrade

I posted this over at vcfed, but in case it is of interest also posting it to my favourite internet community. Here is a video I have made documenting the upgrade of a 1987 Amstrad PC1640. I have three of these now and they are a real pleasure to use. This one is for my 'office' (man cave) and is …

Re: EGA Graphics Weirdness - Amstrad PC1640

I can't remember what I was originally looking for but awesome thread, pleased I found it. I didn't get as far as page 437 in the manual to discover you could switch the display settings on the fly. Allowed me to get Round 42 nicely running on my PC1640, with a batch file to temporarily adjust …

90's Shamen screensaver

Thought other members might enjoy this blast from the past (unless everyone already uses it?) - Shamen screensaver featuring artwork by William Latham https://youtu.be/UoKovYPCNnk My dad picked it up off some magazine cd I think and the zip is still available online. At one point we got a virus and …

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