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Re: tomb raider crashing during save

in GliDOS General
What sort of flicker? Difficult to describe flickers really, but it sort of looks as if the pixels are all re-aligning themselves in a horizontal band across the centre of the screen. If I switch "Anti-Aliasing - application preference" off, then tick a box that says "temporal anti-aliasing" - I …

Re: tomb raider crashing during save

in GliDOS General
I probably commited a cardinal sin in that I hadn't ensured that I had the most up-to-date display driver. I've gone ahead and done that now and this has forced me to review all the settings - there are quite a few, and since I don't fully understand all the options there is a good chance I might …

Re: tomb raider crashing during save

in GliDOS General
OK - I tried psVoodoo but it actually made the problem worse. The hang still happened but when I did the emergency exit thing my desktop colours were all completely screwed. I rebooted the machine and tried again but the same thing happened. Playing the game with psVoodoo effected some noticable …

Re: tomb raider crashing during save

in GliDOS General
I just went in for a look at the task manager in the midst of an "exit to title" hang: "System Idle Process" was registering 98 - 99% CPU usage. Its still doing that now that I'm completely out of Glidos so I guess this is normal? Oh - the ambient sound still goes happily through it's loop during …

Re: tomb raider crashing during save

in GliDOS General
I'm not sure about the "ntvdm" bit...should I check what's happening in the task manager in the midst of the hang? I never had this problem on my old PC - an Athlon with an NVidea card - it's been a persistent problem on this current machine for the last year. Sometimes the hang also happens when I …

Re: tomb raider crashing during save

in GliDOS General
I have exactly the same problem, but mine is worse. About 80% of the time the game hangs when I simply "exit to title". I have a Pentium 4 / 3GHz Radeon 9800 Pro E-MU 1820m Soundcard (Creative Professional) I started running the game from a virtual drive and this seemed to alleviate the problem by a …

Re: TRX : Standardising Mapping Names

in GliDOS General
Well I do want to continue with the method I am using because I feel comfortable with it now. If anybody else wants to adopt it or adapt it they are welcome to do so. Is there any major drawback in having seperate artist's folders and switching mapping files in order to change texture packs? (apart …

Re: Audiopack revival

in GliDOS General
I think there is a problem with the Thor trigger in the Folly. Could be related to the problem discussed above- Lara ran into the corridor and stopped dead in her tracks when the trigger didn't go off. She turned about and walked back to investigate the problem, and just then the music began... (I …

Re: TRX : Standardising Mapping Names

in GliDOS General
Well I think that when Glidos calls a folder "8CA6BB5A1BE82664431D9F1933075712" he is perfectly describing all of the imagery contained within that folder. If we could understand the language that Glidos speaks then we wouldn't dream of calling that folder anything else. The real problem though, is …

Re: TRX : Standardising Mapping Names

in GliDOS General
Sorry, I can't get the hang of this "quote" thing... It probably just comes down to the preferred method of working. Personally, after I have captured a level I like to go about identifying what all the various bits and pieces are. I start by creating subfolders in the alphanumeric ones with names …

Re: TRX : Standardising Mapping Names

in GliDOS General
Thing is, I am happy to remap from the alphanumeric folders and once this job is done nobody need ever look at them again. If you want to locate a rock texture used in the Rome levels you will find it in a folder called "rock" inside a folder called "Rome" - no need to even cast a side glance at …

Re: TRX : Standardising Mapping Names

in GliDOS General
If it would be any help I have already mapped ALL of the textures for the first four levels from the alphanumeric folders into sensibly named folders following the format I have used in Qualopec. I have done most of the Folly and Colosseum as well. If you were to adopt the system I am using then …

Re: Tomb of Qualopec / JC

in GliDOS General
I did see the four arrow keys so I can more or less imagine how they appear on screen. You were getting all of the main texture tiles, but as can be seen from my list there were lots of little details missing. The reason it took me so long to convert it is because it was mostly the fiddly little …

Re: Tomb of Qualopec / JC

in GliDOS General
Here are the alternative mapping files for anyone running the Slube version of the game. (I am working from the "Sold Out Software" version - which version do you have Slube?). The four alphanumeric folders need to be added to to the "_04_Qualopec" folder, and "mapping.txt" needs to be overwritten …

Re: Tomb of Qualopec / JC

in GliDOS General
Maybe I will go back in there with Doctor Dirt and Mrs. Grime at some stage then, but not just yet - I'm kind of burned out with this level for a while! This was not one of my favourite levels so it was a bit of a challenge to rework it. I never did like the garish colours of the original- it seems …

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