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Freeing memory in DOS (Win 98) (Specifically Betrayal at Krondor)

in DOS
I can’t try the boot disk option cause my floppy drive don’t doesn’t work, but anyways I’m trying to learn about freeing DOS memory. I can’t seem to get more than 601k conventional memory free, while krondor requires 604k, I’ma little over 3k short. I’ve tried to load everything into upper memory, …

Re: VGA Capture Thread

Gotcha, ok, so sounds like it is not like those NES Super Mario Bros speedrunning scenes where each result is precisely frame counted. In that case, if you are running Mode 13h 320x200 70Hz VGA games, I recommend getting a Diamond SpeedStar 24 ET4000AX which runs the mode at 70.464 hz (going on a …

Re: VGA Capture Thread

I plan to speedrun point and click adventure games which tend to not be super precise, we use livesplit to estimate times, but use the video to be more accurate later. I’m not that experience of a speed runner. Typically games have conditions when to start and stop I.e. time starts when you do your …

Re: VGA Capture Thread

appiah4 wrote on 2023-07-12, 14:26: I've had success by using S-Video output and using a USB Capture device to capture that. It's not great, it's not even good, but it works. Do you have links to the products you use by chance?

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