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Re: MIDI input patch

I'm now downloading MS Visual Basic.. Am I right in guessing that I need to install that to get the runtimes I need? I'm not at all familiar with the develop environment for DosBox or what I need to do to get an EXE.

Re: MIDI input patch

Very nice. Is this already set for us to test? I'm not clear what that .CPP file is for.. \ (I'm hoping that there will be some .exe created to try out.) One last thing dvwjr told me a few months back.. Not sure if it helps you in any way, but just in case: "The fix for your MIDI timing problem was …

Re: MIDI input patch

>Pitch band messages aren't (to my knowledge) realtime messages, >so they shouldn't be sent in the middle of sending midi message. I think pitch bend are "CHANNEL VOICE" messages. Not quite sure then if pitch bend counts as 'real time', but musically it's normal to hold a note on, or a few notes, …

Re: MIDI input patch

Yes, in real DOS you chose the driver, and then it supports input and output from that driver, so yes full MPU401 support. (This was the premier MIDI sequencer at the time and sold over a million copies.) You can also choose Sound Blaster driver instead and that seems to also work with DosBox. >Does …

Re: MIDI input patch

I'm completely happy to work with you in any way I can to help you get Sequencer Plus running. It's quite simple actually.. It uses intelligent mode by loading a driver which should be in the download you have. The MPU401 driver is called vapimpu. A good batch file to launch SPGold might look like: …

Re: some MIDI troubles

I can't find any detailed info on the core= settings. Are these settings a big change? Is there any chance that the core setting will make a difference? Should I be using core=full?? At 5000 cycles, my CPU is only about 15%, so I have some headroom. By the way, Qbix I did try midi=uart, but the …

window offset each time

When I open my app under DOSbox, It opens in a window as I'd like, but the window is always toward the right of the screen, dragged a bit off the desktop. Is there a way to have the window open properly centered? (I'm using overlay as output)

device settings audio?

I cant find any docs on what the different settings here: [midi] # device -- Device that will receive the MIDI data from MPU-401. # This can be default,alsa,oss,win32,coreaudio,none. If I'm on Windows is the win32 the only one I can use?

Re: some MIDI troubles

I cant try sreckos patch because Im already using a patched version that Don Wells did. (DVWJR) It was testmt32 for .70 His changes are actually for the MT32 issues, but that actually fixes some other major MIDI issues. Without his patch notes stumble, and timing is quite poor. With the DVWJR patch, …

Re: some MIDI troubles

I'd prefer to use a PC that runs DOS, but there needs to be MIDI hardware. To run a USB interface I need Windows. I could instead boot DOS and use a serial port interface, but laptops don't generally have real serial ports anymore. Of course, I'm not sure if it's DOSBox or Windows causing the …

some MIDI troubles

I'm having a problem with MIDI, and I don't know whether there's a way to solve, as it's very very intermittent. I'm running a MIDI sequencer under DOSBox. If it's been running for 30-60 minutes, it will sometimes suddenly start to play notes very very slowly, rather than at the correct song tempo. …

Re: mapper.txt missing

I think I have this all right, but still get that error msg. I'm using a conf with this in it: [sdl] etc etc mapperfile="c:\Program Files\DOSbox-0.70\mapper.txt" etc etc The mapper.txt file is there and is empty. I'm confused. Doesn't this all look right?

Re: mapper.txt missing

I'm not on that machine, but as I recall I put mapper.txt in c:\program files\dos-box\ which is the location DOS box autmatically installed to.. I created a blank mapper.txt there as one didn't exist. Since I run my .conf file from c:\spg does my mapper file have to exist in c:\spg instead? My conf …

Re: MIDI input patch

Much appreciated. Just a reminder that in my case Im not actually using an MT32. I use a music sequencer called Sequencer Plus. The issue I had is that If I have a note that is held constantly and pitch bend messages are sent thru the duration of the note, the bend messages seem to be corrupted. …

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