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Re: Where to get GUS patches

I tried installing the GUS drivers as detailed above (from the 411 version linked) and as soon as I selected "Install" from the menu, I got kicked back out to the DOS(box) prompt. Any reason why? My DOSBox seems to be configured properly for GUS emulation.

Re: OpenGL scaling in DOSBox

Oh well already working on opengl support, and with that a little change in vga update code, since i'll remove the multithreaded display updates, sorry for multicpu users Curious, has anyone run current versions of DOSBox much on a multi CPU system? How much does performance improve? Can you get …

Re: MT-32 Emulator and DOSBox Problems

I've checked the version and size of all relevant files, and DOSBox still crashes. The error message I get is this: "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005). Click on OK to terminate the application." Canadacow, is there any chance you could just include SDL_net.dll and any other …

Re: MT-32 Emulator and DOSBox Problems

I'm getting the same problem everyone else in this thread is having. I have the same DLL versions canadacow has, a clean install of the latest DOSBox MT-32 emu (dated 2004.01.17), and then just to be on the safe side I uninstalled the windows driver... no effect.

Re: Starflight II

in DOS
Starflight 2 didn't have much sound to speak of, it used the internal speaker for a few various sound effects (a weird pulsing thing at the title screen). You shouldn't have to use VDMSound or any other program to get the beeper sounds working. Maybe make sure the internal speaker is connected on …

Re: Any chance of a dreamcast port of DOSBOX

Just makin' sure, all of these xbox emulator ports require a modchipped xbox to use, right? The cool thing about the Dreamcast was that the custom software prohibition could be circumvented purely via software... do tons of people out there really have modded PS2s and xboxes for this kind of stuff? …

Re: Any chance of a dreamcast port of DOSBOX

I'm sure some people do, but I don't care so much about running DOS games on a TV... when I played 'em for the first time it was on a (by modern standards at least) crummy little 15" VGA monitor, so a larger and better quality monitor is the ideal format for maximum emulation nostalgia / improvement …

Re: Any chance of a dreamcast port of DOSBOX

Yeah, given that the Dreamcast's CPU can't even handle SNES emulation at good framerates and has trouble with >700kbps Divx playback, I seriously doubt a Dreamcast DOSBox port could run anything but QBasic games. Maaaybe some early CGA games that ran on 4.77MHz PC XTs, but that's kind of too limited …

Re: Tandy sound in Zak McKraken?

So, could I be correct in assuming that if Zak or MM detects Tandy sound hardware, it will automatically use it? What are some other games that use Tandy 3-voice, so I could test DOSBox 0.60's support for it? Nicht: Yeah, I ran across that too, thanks for finding it though!

Re: Tie Fighter CD

Pretty much the same experience I had. It was still fairly unplayable even with a really high frameskip on my 1.2GHz Athlon. Must just be a monster of a game (especially in SVGA!). If you're running 2K/XP, VDMSound is still a great option for running this game though, I'd try that.

Tandy sound in Zak McKraken?

I noticed that the Tandy sound emulation in DOSBox 0.60 has been updated, and wanted to take it for a spin. Problem is, I can't seem to figure out how to get it working in Maniac Mansion and Zak McKraken. I know with later LEC games like Monkey1 you can supply command line switches for different …

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