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Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
I finished MM3 back in the days and wanted to play it again. I am struggling a bit: could not beat the Rat Overlord and then decided to try the first cave at the exit of Fountain Head and here again I can't quite beat the zombies 🙁 That game is harder than what I remembered!

Re: Recommended PCI sound cards for Win98?

I have a Live! (SB0220 I think) and it works well under Windows 98SE but I am a bit disappointed with that card. I could not get the right VXD drivers for it and could not get it to work well under DOS for now. There are many variants of the Live! and compatibility will vary depending on the exact …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
I'm still trickle-playing Might & Magic 3. That's funny I also playing MM3 on the side. I find the beginning is a bit too challenging, but I did finish it once back then and I know it is a very nice experience so it is worth the efforts ! I agree that it's difficult to keep track of the differences …

Re: Weren't sound artists frustrated to know that very few players would be hearing the true sound of their creations?

Shponglefan wrote on 2024-04-24, 20:59: What's fascinating to me is that this is the period in computer music history when audio devices were actually synthesizing the music directly. Absolutely. Indeed quite amazing when you think about it. But soon after came the CD-ROM drives and recorded music …

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

in Milliways
revolstar wrote on 2024-04-24, 19:31: This is borderline modern/retro: I bought a PS3 with the sole intention of hooking it up to my CRT TV and running RetroArch. I've been setting this up all day today. Fun, fun, fun! Pictures or this does not exist 😀

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