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Re: NAS for retro stuff

OK, but how much memory does that XFS occupy? My point is: I can load Microsoft Network Client and connect to modern Linux with Samba, copy files around, but... then I need to reboot to free the memory. The Client occupies so much RAM that's pretty much impossible to normally use the system. Just …

Re: NAS for retro stuff

Windows Server 2003 is the last version with IPX support, right? Might be yet another option for serving files to DOS clients... You don't even need to restrict yourself to Server 2003. There are third-party NFS servers that run on modern Windows. This one is like a 100KB standalone app, which I've …

Re: NAS for retro stuff

Come to think of it, yet another network filesystem software for DOS has appeared recently: EtherDFS. I considered it briefly but ultimately decided against it. IIRC the reasons were that it is a proprietary protocol, and I didn't want to restrict my setup to DOS only. Plus, I don't think the …

Re: NAS for retro stuff

My dream NAS would also emulate Novell NetWare server. Oh, God. I remember using NetWare in my secondary school's computer lab. IIRC it had a TSR that enabled you to mount shares from the teacher's computer. Never used it afterwards, though. By the time I got to university all the desktop machines …

NAS for retro stuff

Good morning everyone, I've been in the industry for over 30 years, working for all kinds of companies - from 200 people startups to 300k+ mastodons. I started getting back into retro stuff in the past year or so, and I was surprised by how much joy this has brought me. Lately I've been feeling kind …

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