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Re: Wing Commander Privateer EMS errors

Argh. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong... trying to add a crash report attachment. Maybe that functionality is broken for Safari users. I'll try again, but here's the operative bit of stack trace: 0 dosbox 0x000c8b78 InitPageHandler::readd(unsigned) + 92 (paging.cpp:170) 1 dosbox 0x000069c4 …

Re: Wing Commander Privateer EMS errors

I see the same things you do, except that if I'm paying very close attention, before the PageFault lines are printed I can see an Illegal Header line for just a split second. Interestingly, whereas with the precompiled binary DOSBox would just die, the one I built crashes, which gives me …

Re: Wing Commander Privateer EMS errors

Never mind. Since I unscrambled the window, F5 now works. Go figure. Where is the log file supposed to be written? I notice that this version of dosbox looks in my home directory for dosbox.conf, whereas the precompiled Mac one looks in the same directory as the executable. And what is it supposed …

Re: Wing Commander Privateer EMS errors

I can't even get it to resume after I've paused it... F5 does nothing. Any tricks you had to use here, Acrusum? Incidentally, if it would be helpful for debugging, I could turn on the two commented-out lines of gobbledygook that pop up after the PageFault message. I've figured out how to fix the …

Re: Wing Commander Privateer EMS errors

In the Mac OS X version of dosbox, I am trying to get Privateer to run. Found the EMS fix, did that. Now, instead of showing that EMS error message, it just crashes me out of dosbox. The error printed to my console is: Exit to error: Illegal descriptor type 0 for int E I've played around with all …

Re: Shard of Spring?

Not apparently. I just tried and it gave me the same error, with nnansi.com loaded. Of course, it could be that I have a corrupted executable. I can't exactly find out, because, although I do still have a copy, it's on 5.25" diskettes, and I don't even have a 3.5" drive in the house, let alone a 5. …

Re: Shard of Spring?

Oh, I should say: This is being run on a Mac (PowerBook G4 1.25 gHz, as if that's going to help anyone) with 1.25 gigs of RAM, and Mac OS X 10.3.8. The version of DOSBox is 0.63. I have tried using 'loadfix' but that seems to do basically the exact same thing as just running the 'start.exe' program …

Shard of Spring?

This one is an old favorite of mine, available here: Editted by eL_PuSHeR: DIRECT LINKING TO ABANDONWARE/WAREZ, ETC IS NOT ALLOWED I open up DOSBox, and issue the command: mount c /Documents/Emulation/disks/shard/ Then I type 'mem' and get: 637 Kb free conventional memory Then I type c: and then ' …

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