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Re: Bought this (Modern) hardware today

Yeah, HP is ending Support on most of the Z-line computers with Win-10 in October of 2025 but Microsoft won’t let these computer Die Off. It’s going to be interesting what is going to happen when Win-10 ends support. I think computer companies are Hopimg for NEW PC sales to increase in 2025. …

Re: Windows 7 Risk

Side note: I work at a university, I increasingly get the feeling that the IT department can only solve problems by checking and unchecking boxes. We are getting further into microsoft's pocket. Soon to be, the only people who really know what's going on are the ones who wrote the OS - no one will …

Re: Windows 7 Risk

All that having been said, you can upgrade if you want, but know that Windows 10 falls out of support some time next year, which leaves the unpalatable decision of buying a new computer so you can run Windows 11 on it, or getting some other non-windows OS. 14 October 2025, although some versions of …

Re: Discreet 3DS Max v4.2 and error: loading cdilla dll

Backwards compatibility isn’t a given with later Windows versions, especially when it comes to areas such as copy protection. Can you not try an era appropriate OS? I’ve fairly recently installed 3ds max 4.2 on windows 2000, running in a VM using VMWare Workstation on my Windows 10 laptop without …

Re: I had no idea DirectX was created because of Doom 95

Doom was apparently programmed to be portable, which I think was rare for DOS games. I'm curious if it was programmed that way from day 1, or it just evolved that way when the ports started to be worked on. I would think that was a consequence of being developed on NeXT workstations, which at the …

Re: Your vintage data hoards

A couple of years ago I decided to rip all my CD's, CDR's and DVD-R's to iso's and put them on my server as a backup. Good job I did too as there were a few that were starting to have failed sector reads. Fortunately most of those were duplicates (another months Win98 MSDN install CD) or I could …

Re: Public FTP servers thread

I was going to say for the love of god don’t use Filezilla though! 🤣 Not sure if it’s changed but there was a huge uproar years ago over the developers insane reluctance to store passwords in encrypted form rather than plain text in the config file. He appeared to think that neither his nor any of …

Re: any Thinkpad fans?

My first expsoure to Thinkpads was the 600 in 1999. Boxy as hell but rock solid, although as we found out the keyboards couldn't take a good drunken mashing! Good enough with the P2 processor to run Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun for our multiplayer sessions, and I found the trackpoint nub …

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