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Re: Silly question about a gameboy.

in Milliways
Just bought a volume wheel replacement.The problem is,like most pots I found hadn't the correct thickness. Does somebody know what's the model of the correct pot?Is this product correct?http://retrogamelab.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=210 or https://handheldlegend.com/products/game …

Silly question about a gameboy.

in Milliways
Hello, Recently I got a gameboy Dmg.The screen had lines but I managed to fix that.The volume pot was battery corroded,so the pcb pins of it.The question is,what the first left pin is about?I tried to find where it goes but it is connected only on an empty pcb spot(no copper)I am uploading and a …

Need help with old sharp tq g400 phone from 1995

in Milliways
Hello, I am trying to connect to net an old sharp tq g400 mobile phone(like the ericsson gh337,1995).It detects the network but when I try to make a call ,after some seconds,it says "divert active" and then "net error". I have disabled everything in the "divert" menu,but still the same. I have …

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