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Eye of the Beholder 3 - settings

I finished playing EOB2 and now i started playing EOB3 under dosbox 0.63 (Linux version). The game works fine, but its a little sluggish. I remember in my dos-days that EOB3 always was rather heavy for most PCs out there. Is the slugginess normal in EOB3? has anyone managed to make it run perfectly? …

Re: Linux CVS builds (SDL 1.2)

Well, if you read what I wrote on my homepage, you'd know that I only intend to update when I do a new build for myself. Which means between 2 weeks and 2 months. Sorry to say that... if you like, I can upload an all-in-one patch i'm sorry, i didn't see that. no worries, i'll wait around for a next …

Re: Linux CVS builds (SDL 1.2)

indeed. though, a few years ago when RPM packages came out i promised myself that i'll never complie code that isn't mine. enough is enough, i don't want to spend my valuable time hunting down gcc problems, library incompatibilities, script bugs, 'configure' parameters, 'make' dependencies, linux …

Linux CVS builds (SDL 1.2)

Since 0.64 isn't going to be released any time soon, i thought i'd try the latest CVS builds that have some important fixes for me. I downloaded a binary from Moe's website (as suggested in the sticky thread about CVS builds), unfortunately, it requires SDL 1.3, which isn't available for Fedora Core …

Re: 44khz audio in dosbox and other cool tricks

in DOSBox General
I see what you mean. Maybe it would be worth your trouble to reconsider. Just imagine dosbox using DirectX under winxp for audio and ALSA under linux, even OS/2 would benefit by using DART or UNIAUD (port of alsa for os/2). Ofcourse the complexity of the code would skyrocket... but this is just a …

Re: 44khz audio in dosbox and other cool tricks

in DOSBox General
Just out of curiosity, this "mixer" we are talking about in dosbox. Is that just a software mixer for different audio sources within the game? (emulating channels or whatever?). Can this be replaced by sending all streams, irrelevant of frequency, to ALSA? Since ALSA will use hardware mixing on …

Re: 44khz audio in dosbox and other cool tricks

in DOSBox General
3. Since i'm in linux, i've only got surface,overlay,opengl,openglnb. I've switched between them and didn't see a noticable difference. I'll leave the default surface i guess. 5. i'm a freak so i'd like a free cycle-upgrade please :happyhappy: i'll try different values and see the results. 6. Wait a …

44khz audio in dosbox and other cool tricks

in DOSBox General
Here is a list of things i've discovered about dosbox and i'd like to share with others. 1) Under Fedora Core 4 Linux, which uses ALSA by default, dosbox will sometimes use alsa directly and other times it loads 'esd'. I dont know why or how come it switches between the two on the same system. …

linux, winxp and Eye of the Beholder 2 (audio delay)

in DOSBox General
i'm running dosbox 0.63 under both Linux (Fedora Core 4) and WinXP Pro. The configuration is the same for both. Unfortunately, i've a problem with Eye of the Beholder 2. The audio is delayed by several seconds under Linux only. It works fine under WinXP. For example, once i click on a door button, i …

neverlock and FILES=25

I'm trying to run neverlock (i've got two different versions). Unfortunately both give me an error that they require FILES=25 in the config.sys. i've searched the forum, i found out that i must be running version 0.63 (which i am) and that i must have a fake config.sys in my C root with a FILES=127 …

Re: speedball 2 - corruption in save games

Unfortunately, it still doesn't work for me. I tried your savegame, but when i load, it appears i'm playing against myself, as if i haven't loaded a game. I installed dosbox under my Fedora Core 4 (via rpm), and tried the game there as well. No difference, i can save (.SAV file appears in current …

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