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glidos on windows 95: a no?

I have tried my hardest to get glidos on my old computer, but with no success. I successfully install the program, but when I try to run it, it says Im missing the required file snmpapi.dll cannot be found. I I saw somthing about a windows 95 install, but the link is down. any help?

redguard soundtrack

okay. I have the software version of redguard and the glidos version of redguard. on the software version, the game has ingame music. on glidos, it doesnt. I dont know if this should go in vdms or what, its just that I like the redguard music and the software version is ugly. how can i get sound to …

making it run faster

when ever I have sound on with redguard (by that I mean by using the run with VDMS on set sound) it runs semi slow. about 1/2 a second slow. so I can either have no sound for it which makes it run fast, or run slow with sound. any help? also. I want to move my redguard folder into my bethdesa folder …

troubles with redguard

I just got redguard, but it has no sound (I have windows xp). so I was told to go to this site. I have no clue whatsoever on what to do to get sound working for this. what to download, how to, what do afterwords.... etc. thanks in advance.

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