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Re: "PC" Games on Windows Store

in Milliways
leileilol: the point here being not to virtualize any of the devices you think are going to be problematic, but use them directly. it's very possible and doesn't have any huge drawbacks beyond the extra resources you'll have to dedicate to it and the difficulty setting it up. This isn't theoretical, …

Re: "PC" Games on Windows Store

in Milliways
I can rattle off a lot of software for Linux that has no windows equivalent or a very poorly designed one with absolutely NO support. Unsurprisingly enough, those are the utils whose absence makes me want to start throwing things when I want to get *anything* done on a win* machine. Fun fact: I …

Re: "PC" Games on Windows Store

in Milliways
More Software Yes, there is probably more windows software available. But I would also argue that whatever you can do in Windows can also be accomplished in Linux. This old argument is quickly becoming irrelevant. Not really, tons of software is still Windows only. You can sort of do everything, …

Re: "PC" Games on Windows Store

in Milliways
If Windows loses market share, it will lose it to Mac OSX not Linux. Where we'll have the exact same problem. Escape to Linux and you'll lose out on the advantages of a OS that's actually has a huge market share (more availability, more software, more documentation, more job relevance). I don't …

Re: "PC" Games on Windows Store

in Milliways
xjas wrote: I thought Valve had a really vague end-of-life policy that they'd somehow unlock the DRM if Steam ever were to shutdown. It's not ironclad but it's something. Yeah it is something. It's called a lie. No idea why people keep bringing that shit up: there is nothing binding Valve to it.

Re: dgVoodoo 2 for DirectX 11

Blood 2: That game crashes frequently unless you set it to single core affinity. Lanczos scaling suggestion: Please don't do that lanczos looks terrible for pixel art games. Only scaling algorithm that looks decent with everything is bilinear. Though ideally there'd be a choice between scaling …

Re: Need for Speed II and SE Windows 7 x64 Guide

in Windows
Bucko: Should work fine with dgvoodoo2, used it in XP for the game. Most of the later games need the reg keys, so I figured II also did. ZellSF: smooth as butter here, what's your hardware setup? I get audio stutter in II software mode, so I had to use the dsound.dll from XP and it went away. Do …

Re: xinput to dinput wrapper?

in Windows
Good thing we have XInputPlus which allows us to remap 360/XB1 controllers however we want. I'm interested in trying that, since the site is in Japanese can you clarify, does it create any other problems/side effects? Does it require you to test sign the driver or anything like that? Well it might …

Re: xinput to dinput wrapper?

in Windows
Need for Speed II SE actually supports this just fine. You can use the triggers for analog acceleration. What if you want to drift though? There's simply no way to press the throttle and brake at the same time with that setup. Good point (maybe, I don't recall NFS2 SE ever being difficult enough to …

Re: xinput to dinput wrapper?

in Windows
the problem with an xbox controller in games expecting a direct input controller is he left and right triggers will act as a single axis representing the signed difference between the triggers, not as 2 independent analog axes as direct input controllers have Need for Speed II SE actually supports …

Re: xinput to dinput wrapper?

in Windows
ok, observations: 1: controls work out of the box on my 360 controller. Only reason to use XInputPlus would be to emulate force feedback. 2: Mapping controls don't work with XInputPlus. Map all controls before installing XInputPlus. It's a bit annoying mapping the axis properly since the default …

Re: Non-Steam/GOG/DOSBox old games that don't run on XP?

in Windows
Doesn't RetroArch cause massive input lag though? At least, i remember it being way inferior than just running Nestopia or other emulators stand alone. Uh, no. While there are some minor differences in input latency between emulators, RetroArch isn't drastically worse than any of them. Maybe a …

Re: Non-Steam/GOG/DOSBox old games that don't run on XP?

in Windows
Not running under a VM is also a thing to consider. There are GPU compatibility issues and I doubt the emulated GPU isn't subject to any of them. There's also sound compatibility issues to think of under VMs (A3D, EAX?)... I don't particularly like the VM approach since I've never seen it done …

Re: Non-Steam/GOG/DOSBox old games that don't run on XP?

in Windows
I could do without the amateur snark (oh yes, please play them ALL!) and trite, obvious philosophy lessons. Thanks to the ones pointing me in the right direction. Anyways I think I've already found an example with these QuickTime games like Traitors Gate, they have audio distortion on OSes above 98 …

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