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Trying to recall an old game

in Milliways
Trying to recall a game that I played years and years ago. You were a Robinson Crusoe kind of guy on an island. You could swim in the ocean, but if you swam around for two long you'd get tired and drown (or eaten by a shark?). I also came across a cave whilst swimming which had some voodoo priests …

Dosbox PSP - Mapping Keys

I'm running 0.71 version of a Dosbox port on my PSP I've wrote a file to map the keys to KQ1, which is playing fine Such as @ECHO OFF INPUTMAP up up INPUTMAP right right INPUTMAP down down INPUTMAP left left INPUTMAP cross enter INPUTMAP select esc INPUTMAP exec sierra How would you enable text …

Convert Video's using Windows Media Encoder

Hey For any one who didn't know You can use Windows Media Encoder ( freeware ) to covert from ZMBV to WMV http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/forpros/encoder/default.mspx You can also use as mentioned in my earlier thread Virtual Dub ( freeware ) http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=11759 …

Recording to Video

Hey I recorded a sample video from Dreamweb to try out the new recording feature but when I try to play it on the official DivX player it says the file contains unknown video data which displays it as Video Data: FOURCC code "2MBV" It suggests I need to install a new codec Any insight into why this …

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