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Re: diff (-u) on Windows 10 i7 with 8GB RAM?

in PC Emulation
I sort of know the issue with Windows Subsystem for Linux and the dreaded Out of Memory error. Or maybe it was with MingW built tools. Basically you have to turn your terminal window scroll back buffer size waaaaay down, to like 100 lines or so, or else you get the aforementioned out of memory …

Re: windows 95 as a windows 10 app

in Milliways
Standard Def Steve wrote: It just might make Windows 10 usable! Making fun of Windows 10, how original. Then again, people also make fun of my choice of Linux distribution, Kubuntu LTS.

Re: Can any emulator emulate itself?

in Milliways
One of the MAME roms is a 2GB or so image of the flash drive from an ARM SoC device that contains an older MAME and a bunch of bundled roms. Unfortunately, MAME can’t yet boot the device in emulation.

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

in Milliways
I came to the stunning realization that my Asus ROG Strix RX480 O8G card didn’t like the few days of Etherium mining I threw at it, and it has glitched out spectacularly on things like Spotify: https://imgur.com/a/TlCCio2 But I persevered, at least until I decided to run an OpenCL memory test on a …

Re: Spam, spam, spam

in Milliways
Answering the question about why the administration doesn’t moderate new accounts, to the best I can guess. Maybe they hadn’t thought of requiring that? ZSNES Board, as dead as it is, is under a nonstop spam barrage. The only thing that prevents it from being visible to most users is post moderation …

Re: Dynamic recompiling with cycle-accurate emulators?

in PC Emulation
Well, I only mentioned keeping counts, because most N64 emulators around now use counters even in their recompiler mode, so they can keep accurate timers, since they need timers for interrupts and video frame timing. The only real thing in N64 emulation that's kind of wonky, and is better handled by …

Re: MIDI background music and web standards

in Milliways
Maybe server side rendering to Opus/AAC? OP already said audio streaming is out, as they're targeting the dialup contingency. Maybe something like this, then? Well, yeah, low bitrate Opus could probably pass over dialup. But then you've still got to decode it. It requires considerably more …

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