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Re: New version of Glidos, v1.46

Alright, I finally got around to toying with everything. Firstly, as for TR, switching it over to OpenGL remedied all my issues. No more FMV skips or inventory screen hangs. So everything is well! And in regards to Carma, I still couldn't get it to detect the cd even with defining a file on the cd …

Re: New version of Glidos, v1.46

Alright, so after a thorough review I've encountered the following. In Tomb Raider, the FMVs possess an audio skip (plays fast for a split second, giving a squeaky effect) every 30 seconds or so. The game also tends to hang for 5 seconds when entering the inventory screen. Other than that it was a …

Re: Carmageddon Crashing

yeah the last few levels were insane! when they throw dumpy in there and faust (tank-car) it takes me forever to kill 'em off cause I really don't want to do the 10 billion lap race! now I'm just putzing with the splat pack... too bad it suffers major texture problems[/img]

Re: Carmageddon Crashing

Looks like you're right, chiller freezes too! for whatever reason I never could get that fiddle cheat to work, but the carmagedit editor works all the same. I haven't tested these files yet but it incorporates the same trick. So maybe this time I'll get past the level, really gotta save more often! …

Re: Carmageddon Crashing

As jumbles suggested... years ago... I edited my ice.txt to make the poles rock solid and that seemed to fix the problem with the greatest of ease so I could progress through the game as intended. I'll attach my altered version if anyone else cares to give it a try! Just drop it into your carma\data …

Carmageddon Crashing

I was wondering if there was any way to stop Carmageddon from suddenly crashing all the time, specifically on the third level? I've also narrowed down the event I believe that causes the game to crash, its whenever my car or the opponents' cars hit the red and white poles.

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