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Re: Savestates?

Oh, sorry. Didn't know that a "+" was required in search box. Well, I guess that it *could* be done if DosBox could use some kind of hard-drive image filesystem as well as local r/w filesystem, but the effort/gain ratio of such impementation woud be very low.

Re: Savestates?

Now that I think about it, it would be impossible to implement savestates because the emulated dos program sometimes depends on memory other than RAM (for example HD) and loading a memory state saved during a HD write would be...well...bad, to say the least.


Would it be possible to implement a state save/reload feature in DosBox? I'm guessing that it would boil down to saving a zipped image of an entire emulated ram (which depends on the setting in dosbox.conf), plus cpu registers and possibly some other memory. I havent dived into sources yet, it's …

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