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Re: MacOS X Pictorial Guide

First, Rhoenie, I tried out your new drop system. I love the idea. Fine :-) The Dosbox app went to the applications folder, but no success for the preferences. I'm running 10.3.9 on a G5. I ended up with something that looked like this (see attachment) Yeah, seems like the symbolic link for the …

Re: MacOS X Pictorial Guide

I spent some time on creating a more sophisticated OSX install image. This one displays a background graphic inside the Finder window with some informations printed in it: http://www.spam-filter.de/~rhoenie/DOSBox-0.70_Universal.dmg.zip It looks like this when you open it: http://www.spam-filter.de …

Re: MacOS X Pictorial Guide

Pisomojado wrote: Inside are two folders labeled INTeL and PowerPC. Each contains an item called DOSBox Preferences. I have to ask rhonie why 2 preferences files are needed... It seems unnecessary to me. The reason why there are two files is simple: the INTeL-based Macs can do core=dynamic while …

Re: MacOS X Pictorial Guide

Copy it into the Preferences/ folder of your harddisk. What does the slash after "Preferences/" signify? Under OSX the slash is the path delimitor (its the back-slash under windows and DOS). I wanted to stress that I am refering to the actual folder named "Preferences" by adding the trailing path …

Re: MacOS X Pictorial Guide

You need to know a litte bit about MS-DOS to use the whole thing. DOSBox is a DOS emulator and DOS is a thing of the 80ies (actually a thing of the 70ies): with typing in text and no clicking or even a mousepointer. But to help you out of your misery here are a few steps for you to follow: 1) As …

Re: Help installing DOSbox 0.70 on Mac OS X

Take a look at this (quickly hacked together) screencast: http://www.spam-filter.de/~rhoenie/DOSBox_Screencast.mov (maybe i find some time to add a spoken audio track to that one... or maybe i redesign the .DMG container to include symbolic links and more info for the new user)

Re: Any Germans Here?

Zunaechst eines vorne weg: Du brauchst nicht notwendigerweise ein Image mit einem installierten DOS darauf. Es reicht vollkommen aus, wenn du dem DOSBox Emulator ein Verzeichnis von deiner Festplatte "mounten" laesst, welches er dann fortan als Laufwerk C: ansieht. Das mag zunaechst etwas verwirren, …

Re: Mac OS X & Dosbox .65 & .7 startup problem

.. it should be be possible to install Xcode inside a chroot'ed environment and fake an 10.3 environment. Thats exactly how the whole thing works - or at least should work. :-) You have different root trees with the complete headers and libraries for OSX 10.2 (abadonned in later Xcode releases) - …

Re: Mac OS X & Dosbox .65 & .7 startup problem

maybe you need to add -L/path/to/10.3/libs and -I/path/to/10.3/includes when building SDL? I also tried that one but it didn't help either :-(. Maybe I'll add Xcode to one of the G3 iMacs at work and compile myself a working SDL 1.2.11 for 10.3 and place it under /opt/SDL-10.3/ orso and use that …

Re: Mac OS X & Dosbox .65 & .7 startup problem

So my suggestion is to compile a OSX 10.2 or 10.3 "G3 optimized" binary and pack it to the official OSX release of DOSBox (in a seperate folder "G3 optimized binary/"). I wasn't able to build a OSX 10.3 Panther version of DOSbox with the Xcode 2.4/GCC compilers (actually I wasn't able to compile …

Re: Help installing DOSbox 0.70 on Mac OS X

Preferences file? Is that what I know as dosbox.conf in Windows? Exactly. Its called "DOSBox Preferences" and resides either in the system-wide preferences folder ("/Library/Preferences/") or in your own user preferences folder ("/Users/${USER}/Library/Preferences/"). Thats how things work under …

Re: Mac OS X & Dosbox .65 & .7 startup problem

Well.. to find out how much performance boost the -faltivec gives I had to compile a version without all that compiler voodoo. Doing so the original problem would be solved (JaggedPath needing a G3 "optimized" binary). I don't think that leaving out all the performance options in the actual release …

Re: Help installing DOSbox 0.70 on Mac OS X

As soon as you are able to unzip the file and mount the diskimage you can be assured that the file was downloaded correctly. So nothing wrong here. According to the error message you get I guess that you dont have enough rights to install the file into the Applications/ folder on your harddisk (well …

Re: Dosbox 0.7 is out!

The Mac OSX port is already optimized for both G4 (and up) and Core Duo (and up) CPUs. But if you decide to do your own build to gain speed then take a look at the included documents. 😉

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