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Re: CT3900 and Yamaha DB50XG

According to the title, you want to use it with a Sound Blaster AWE32 CT3900, right ? Then your sound card doesn't have a waveblaster header, you need an adapter for the gameport to get the midi. But even before that, make sure your card hasn't a buggy DSP, or else you'll have stuck notes that will …

[SOLVED] CT3900 and Yamaha DB50XG

Hi all! I got hold of this card with installed DB50XG I understand that DB50XG is a MIDI board but what I dont understand what good it does for this Blaster? Does it mean that it replaces physical presence of "Yamaha MU50" ? emulating all sounds/midis in this tiny card. It that is so, how do I …

[UNSOLVED] running S.C.A.R.S on xp

in Windows
Hello everyone, I believe you have all met the problem running a game on NT system. I have this old game named S.C.A.R.S it's some kind of drive simulator where you have chance to drive animal style cars... The problem is that I cannot get it to run on windows xp sp2 pro. Here is how it goes: I …

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