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Re: Why do modern video games suck so badly part two

in Milliways
valnar : more digression but it raises the issue of creatvity and the so called sheep... http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=6fC65sy9tzY (Watch the Widescreen HD version for the full effect) Basically it's indicative of proof that creativity is still very much in effect in the younger generation. Much …

Re: Why do modern video games suck so badly part two

in Milliways
Seriously guys, do you even hear yourselves? Are you aware of what kind of glory period computer gaming is currently experiencing? More games, bigger projects, more press coverage and even moreso ACCEPTANCE of gaming as an adult past time than ever before. How anyone who's a gamer can complain about …

Re: Why do modern video games suck so badly

in Milliways
I'd like to say point out that my simple answer does not imply that I'm ignoring what you've said, nor does it mean that I don't care as much you might about the state of gaming but I just don't agree at all. There is no downward trend going on. Games are just as varied in quality with just as small …

Re: Why do modern video games suck so badly

in Milliways
I don't feel another word would suit? :) We have already agreed that their interests are niche, I just don't agree that the industry is doing the wrong thing in leaving them as niche interests. By all regards KAN thinks that industry shouldn't take the safe bets and should instead make games that he …

Re: Why do modern video games suck so badly

in Milliways
I'm not dishonest debater. The thread speaks for itself. You're just rolling out the same tired ideas round after round and you never ever concede any point. You're so deluded KAN. It fits with your personality type well.

Re: Why do modern video games suck so badly

in Milliways
The only person who's acting like a child and crying over the state of modern gaming is you KAN. Even the person who wrote the blog that you used as your ever weakening platform understands that his point of view is reflexive of someone who is no longer the main demographic. If he can bother to …

Re: Why do modern video games suck so badly

in Milliways
"A serious gamer with niche interests" is the very definition of a snob. Hardcore gamers are like hardcore drinkers, movie goers, golfers and whatever other pursuit you care to think of . They do it for the buzz, not for the critical analysis thereof. Just think about how you defined your playing …

Re: Why do modern video games suck so badly

in Milliways
No, no they don't. Hardcore gamers just play and complete whatever they can get their hands on. Limitations in design, implementation and storyline just do not bother them as much as people with 'taste' seem to assume. Casual gamers dont' complete games for the most part, as their idea of a game …

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