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Re: What old games are still on your wants list?

Lets See, most of these will be C64 games, but there are some PC and a couple of Amiga games in the list. I could have sworn I already posted this list, but cannot find it. If it was deleted, and I cannot see why it would have been, I was never sent any messages about it. I guess I may have not hit …

Re: native MSDOS on new computers

in DOS
I seem to remember years ago when I first got a sb-live it worked ok in dos, not that i used it much in dos It works ok, but not great. First you need EMS for the drivers to work at all (and that makes the soundcard right away incompatible with games like Ultima 7) and then the driver eats too much …

Re: native MSDOS on new computers

in DOS
Actually, as long as the game(s) in question aren't messed up by faster computers, I've had quite a bit of luck with the following conditions. I've never been able to get any PCI sound card to work well in DOS. Forget using a Creative Labs PCI card completely. DOS support from Creative after ISA is …

Re: Must have Games from the 90s to own

Ok, some of these may have already been mentioned, but a little repetition won't hurt (IMHO.) Also, the range is a bit extended, I'm going from mid-to-late 80's through mid-to-late 90's here. Finally, some of these games may not be as good on the PC as I remember, as I originally played them on the …

Re: Why do modern video games suck so badly part two

Yes there are a great many games coming out today. However, very few of them are inspired. Just because you can go to the game store and find 1000 or more games (instead of the 50 or so back in the day,) does not mean any of them are any good. It just means that if a good game just happens to come …

Re: Why do modern video games suck so badly

Thanks Qbix, this reading session was getting a little distracting there. Lets all remain civil, and try to limit personal attacks, ok? I'm not sure how I would be defined as a gamer. I fail to see how I could possibly be considered a niche gamer. Looking through my games right now, I have such a …

Re: Why do modern video games suck so badly

While I cannot attest for anyone else, I can clear up a few points about my outlook. Yes, I like the older games, and mainly this is for the nostalgia of them. I never said, and don't intend to ever say, that we need to have games today that look & feel like those old ones. What I am saying is that …

Re: Abandonware - Make it legal.

dh4rm4: The art & sculpture example doesn't apply. An artist (or sculptor,) doesn't create a piece, then mass produce copies to sell. They produce one piece, then sell that one piece (over and over if they keep busy.) Because of this production limitation, each individual piece can go up in value ( …

Re: Abandonware - Make it legal.

Is anyone really supprised? Extending the term mostly benefits those who are already very wealthy. Since they are very wealthy, they have the means to buy pretty much any law they want (and this is just as true in the US, so I'm not singling the UK out here.) However, that being said, I have no …

Re: Abandonware - Make it legal.

dh4rm4: Yes, there are some clasics becoming available through digital media. But the availability is sporadic at best. There are a few here, a few there, and massive amounts of clasic games are being left behind. Where is the EA promoted re-release of Ultima 1, for example? Extremely stable …

Re: Abandonware - Make it legal.

I guess what I'm saying is that the book you read as a child, stands just as much of a chance of intertaining your kids as a new book might. I'm not saying it deffinately will, I'm just saying there is a good chance. The book in question may never hit the top 10 charts again, but the enjoyment can …

Re: Do DOS games have Music?

Getting sound to work in Dosbox is difficult. This is because sometimes I can’t tell if there even is supposed to be music in a certain part of the game. There are few games I would like to ask about regarding the music Eye of the Beholder When I’m in the first Dungeon the sound effects work but …

Re: Abandonware - Make it legal.

Somewhat relevant: http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dn.se%2FDNet%2Fjsp%2Fpolopoly.jsp%3Fd%3D2198%26a%3D855869&hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&sl=sv&tl=en EU Commission wants the copyright for recorded music be extended from 50 to 95 years. The disc industry is working hard on the proposal, …

Re: Abandonware - Make it legal.

Dropped? Understand? Wake up and smell the coffee: http://classics.sierra.com/us/ Those would be 4 perfect examples of titles that would exempt from the abandonment amendment :) Just FYI - Got the entire LSL series through them. Though I did have to turn around and find the original EGA version of …

Re: Abandonware - Make it legal.

Ack... To get back to topic (I always hat it when the topic strays.) I'm still not sure who would be hurt by an abandonment amendment to copyright law? As long as the copyright owner has a reasonable means of preventing it, who would it hurt? From what I've read they would have at least 2, and maybe …

Re: Abandonware - Make it legal.

Sorry it took so long. I've been digging through my notes and trying to track down my old instructor, it has been 20 years after all. All I have are fuzzy memories on the details. What I remember seems to be that if the articles of corporation are formed right making the corporation a legal entity, …

Re: Abandonware - Make it legal.

Snover: Well, crap, you're right (about the copyright/trademark error of mine.) I just looked it up in my book, which is rather dated anyways. I do know why I keep making that mistake, though. It goes back to when I consulted a lawyer (friend of the family,) about abandonware (though, AFAIK, it …

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