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Re: Abandonware - Make it legal.

Silent Loon: We seem to have a slight missunderstanding here. If an amendment made abandoned works go into public domain, that would mean that nobody does or can hold the rights to it anymore. The only way lawyers could start snapping up copyrights is if, due to company failures, mergers, ect., they …

Re: Abandonware - Make it legal.

The problem with the house analogy is that it is imcomplete. A house that is being rented would be equal to a game that is still being supported and/or sold. If you want to compare it to software that has been abandoned (no sales or support,) then it would be as if you moved out of your house and …

Re: Abandonware - Make it legal.

Personally I don't see any real problem if an abandonment amendment were added to the existing copyright laws. Well, problem refering to the rights of thy copyright holders, that is. By stopping production and support for a program, they are essentially saying they don't care any more. There would …

Re: Why do modern video games suck so badly

dh4rm4: Yay :) another person who agrees with me that EA slaughtered Origin system. IMHO, Origin systems was the BEST game company of all time. Ok, sorry, back on topic: I have to agree with snover here, certain people need to calm down a little please :) On the topic of Privateer -v- Elite. Maybe I …

Re: Why do modern video games suck so badly

The problem with the automobile comparison is that it isn't complete. To make it comperable, then all new cars would have to have the same (or almost the same,) overall design. So, yes, better engines, tires, transmissions, injectors, etc. are all coming out, but every car being produced are just …

Re: Why do modern video games suck so badly

Personally, I have to agree with those who find modern games disappointing. I would love to see games with modern graphics and physics that were as innovative as the older games. However, what I see are modern game companies just churning out the same things over and over. Oh, there are some …

Re: idea

The main problem with porting DOSBox to the Amiga would be, from what little I know of programming, the source would probably need major rewrites. The main power of the Amiga was delegation of function. It's unique chipset allowed different functions to actually be handled by dedicated chips acting …

Re: Starting screen position

The monitor isn't saving the position for every program, but for every resolution it supports. For example: I run my windows desktop in 1156x864 and DOSBox uses the resolution 320x200 (with most older DOS games.) Actually, it depends on your DOSBox config file, but by default it uses the resolution …

Re: Save games

I don't own, or know anything about the game, and this might be a bit of a stupid thought. But is there any chance that the game is wanting the backspace key? On my keyboard it looks just like the left arrow key. Ok, maybe it's a long shot, but I thought I'd ask.

Re: Old DOSBox versions?

He's probably like me, he likes to archive things back to the very beginning. I have every version of VICE that has come out so far (Both DOS & WIN, none of the others though,) archived on CD. Why??? I have no idea, really 🙁 I just sort of like having them.

Re: Abandonware and Dosbox

I have to admit that I was a bit frustrated with Sierra/Vivendi's release of the Leisure Suit Larry compilation. They just took a basic DOSBox install (Don't remember the version off hand, but it was an older version,) with the default config file, and extremely basic setup configuration for each …

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