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Re: Ski or Die and Tandy

It does work in DOSBox 0.60 and it also works when I use 0.71 with machine=pcjr. In both cases I get 16 color graphics, but not 3-voice sound. I know I can start the game with the parameters adlib and mt32 to get better sound, but I kinda like 3-voice sound and there seems to be no parameter to get …

Ski or Die and Tandy

I want to play Ski or Die in Tandy mode. I've put machine=tandy in my dosbox.conf file, but when I start the game in DOSBox 0.71 the screen stays black. And when I run the game in DOSBox debugger 0.70 that I got from this topic , it says in the debugger window: "BIOS:INT15:Unknown call 7000" and a …

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