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Re: Windows XP how many people still use for it their MAIN OS?

in Milliways
KernelEx can be configured as opt-in only for specific programs (this is the way I use it on Win98). Also you need some way how to get the mallware inside computer and execute it. If I don't count a stupidity where user download it and click itself it would need e.g. some buffer overflow exploit of …

Re: Windows XP how many people still use for it their MAIN OS?

in Milliways
I'm testing the latest Mypal 68 and after I turned off the multiprocess I never seen the BSOD and it works quite well, I can reach all webs I need, no need to reboot to my w7 or linux just because of internet. I hope that Feodor manage to rebuild some newer versions in future. Btw with minor mod you …

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