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Re: Why an EISA 486?

I saw that enterprise IV on ebay. It looks like a pretty nice board. AMI is pretty much cream of the crop for quality. But the previous poster is right, you have *almost* nothing to gain unless you have EISA cards. That being said, EISA SCSI controllers and network adapters are pretty easy to come …


On 8088/86 systems, the FPU always runs at the same speed as the CPU. On early 80286 systems, the FPU usually runs at either the 2/3 the speed of the CPU, or in sync. Apparently that is a built-in function of the 80287 rather than the motherboard. On later 286 boards, it was more of a function of …

Re: Did Thexder's EGA Dithering Really Work?

From what I can tell, the home version of Thexder was first developed for the Japanese PC88 systems, and then ported to other platforms. The graphics mode used on PC88 was 640x200 8 colour. On a system that only has only 8 colours, the dithering effect worked. The fact that the IIgs, Macintosh, …

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