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Re: Retro Rig Photo Thread

Here’s another one I pulled from the trash. CCAF8A42-7277-4D1B-8744-A4FD7A3B5813.jpeg A Dell Dimension 8200, the exact Pentium 4 system I had been looking for. It’s a socket 478 and uses RDRAM. It currently has a 1.8GHz Willamette and actually runs very well, but I will be swapping it out for a 3. …

Re: Best DOS video card?

I am pretty sure, without reading through all of the responses already posted, that these would have been mentioned already- BUT, here they are: TSENG Labs ET4000/W32p ISA Cirrus Logic CL-GD5428 ISA Pair either of these with a Voodoo 2 card (or two in SLI even better) and you just cannot go wrong.

Re: Retro PC Hell

I should have left well enough alone. LOL I feel your pain! My very own, well earned " famous last words ". I just love trying to tweak everything to the nth degree in some sort of OCD induced quest for perfection. I have screwed up so many things, so many times- but "most" times it just costs me …

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