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Re: The Hilariously Misidentified Hardware Thread

in Milliways
wow, a 650 in a crappy oem board... this should also be posted under the "hilariously overpriced auctions" thread as well.... However, i SPECIFICALLY look for these kinds of auctions. The person obviously doesn't know what he has, normal ebayers cant find it, and i get it for CHEAP. Thats how I got …

Re: to buy or not to buy

in Milliways
its a shame, i have a board that can use one... those cards will only work in media bus slots. that said, the video card will most likely work. the sound card part wont.

Re: Dual 1.4ghz Pentium 3

Unreal based games (like deus ex) Also games based off the half-life engine (counterstrike) supports the 3d sound provided by the mx300. It also supports the microsoft 3d as well. and If my memory is correct, creative diddnt do that until the audigy series. I remember having an mx300 when …

Re: Dual 1.4ghz Pentium 3

the MX300 is THE soundcard for the era. if not that card, then the first audigy. If you have a A2-zs then just use that. while its a little new to be period correct, it was probably the best pci sound card until the x-fi. And even that is debatable. The differences between 2000 and xp are negligable …

DAY-Z anyone play it?

in Milliways
I've been playing the DAy-Z mod for a game called Arma2 for the past month. So much so, its been eating all my spare time. It all started with a guy named paul soares jr. he made the original minecraft tutorial videos. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL419743EA97E8BCDF&feature=plcp ANYWAY he …

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