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Re: vinyl making a comeback?

in Milliways
http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/mar/27/record-collector-zero-freitas-worlds-largest-vinyl-hoard The collection is so vast that it has to be housed in several large warehouses, in boxes and crates stacked high on pallets and covered in polythene or plastic sheeting. Many are likely to stay …

Re: wow this is slow

in Milliways
You're connecting your main computer to the internet via your phone? I remember a friend with a laptop doing that in the 1990s. Being able to browse the internet while lying on a beach was pretty amazing at the time.

Re: Most disappointing games?

in Milliways
Quake 3 was a disappointment compared to previous games of the series, and also Half-Life which had come out the previous year. They decided to focus 100% on multiplayer deathmatch and left out the traditional single player adventure mode. Anyone who didn't have a good internet connection (this was …

Re: Most disappointing games?

in Milliways
Someone criticised WC3 earlier. I came to it new without any knowledge of the previous games and liked it. However I can see why people used to WC2 would dislike it, because it's a simpler and smaller game by comparison. There are also three distinct 'modes' of gameplay: single player, custom and …

Re: Bought these games today

in Milliways
Yes the game gets very strange later on. The 'dark' bit at the start is just common sense. IIRC the evil thing about that part is that if you forget to bring the toothbrush with you the game becomes unwinnable...

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