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Re: MiG Alley

in Windows
Was not to be install. However was able to get it working by copying the rowan folder from another installation (Win 7) and then editing the roots.dir. Had also performed the regsvr32 for all the .ocx files as advised in another forum. Facing one issue. The radio chatter is not working. Tried Win XP …

Re: MiG Alley

in Windows
I was also stuck at the 74% install crashing from the True Type Font bug. If you install Microsoft Word you will get past this bug. Hello! I am facing the same issue as you did. Tried setting the compatibility to Win 98, admin rights, manually installing the intel.ttf file, etc. but to no avail. …

Windows 95 Osr 2.5 USB supplement error

I am facing a trouble of getting Windows protection error at startup in Win 95 installed within DOSBOX Daum. Have installed Win 95 Osr 2.5 which I presume should be compatible with usb drivers. Despite this, after installing the USB supplement, getting a Windows protection error during next startup. …

Re: percentage of old PCs and components that are saved?

There was definite attachment to the notion that the P4 was the best computer there ever was, is, or will be, such that even in the last year there's been computer idiots trying to sell them at ridiculous prices (Not realising they are so out of date rather than trying to front run retro pricing) …

Re: percentage of old PCs and components that are saved?

Some other few reasons would be space and tech obsolescence and explained in posts above. Many people nowadays live in apartments especially in bigger cities where space is a major constraint. This forces many to part with their possessions after a while. Apart from PCs, there are many things which …

Re: percentage of old PCs and components that are saved?

Have you tried recruiting the networks of aunties into this noble cause, instead of all that scheming they usually get up to? ... might take some light bribery, you'll know better what tempts them. Lol :). Problem is a large percentage of the populace is pc illiterate (whether auties, uncles or …

Re: percentage of old PCs and components that are saved?

The situation in my place (India) is even worse. Despite being a developing nation, there is no value or market for older pc parts. Anything lower than a 945 board is nearly impossible to get. Sites like olx or quikr (local versions of craigslist) hardly have such listings. Also there are many …

Re: Voodoo 2 - Heatsinks Needed?

I ordered three 55mm fans off ali express for about 10 USD after shipping. https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/88UAAOSwBp9aautJ/s-l300.jpg They will overhang the chips by a bit, but I think there is enough room. Putting small heatinks on the memory probably can't hurt either. I found 60 pieces of 8. …

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