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Re: SoftMPU project needs your help! (game & sound card testing)

in SoftMPU
If you read my quote again, you'll see that I mentioned compatibility with Microsoft's port trapping API, not QPI (QEMM). From what I found on-line, 386MAX is compatible with the Microsoft API, including the port trapping stuff, and can even be considered a superset of it. To be fair, though: I …

Re: Is DSL Linux dead?

in Milliways
....aaand another 486-specific patch made it upstream to the mainline Linux kernel. Good to see these trusty old beasts still being officially supported. ☺️ https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_i … ux-5.15-x86-IRQ

Re: SoftMPU project needs your help! (game & sound card testing)

in SoftMPU
Question: has anybody tried using SoftMPU with the 386MAX memory manager? And if so, did it work? 386MAX is supposed to be compatible with the I/O port trapping API of Microsoft EMM386. I'm asking this, since 386MAX might eventually be made open source, and bundled with FreeDOS. See https:// …

Re: Best CGA & Hercules monochrome games

So, uhm, has anybody reached out to the current copyright owners of SIMCGA and Magic Key to ask them if they would be prepared to release these tools as freeware, and perhaps even release the source code? Since there is no commercial value anymore, they might not object if you ask them nicely. Heck, …

Re: Fasttracker 2.10 & 2.11 for MS-DOS

With all due respect to the original developers of FT2, I really don't get what their objection is to open-sourcing it at this point. Especially since they do seem willing to give individuals access to it upon request. Is there still the worry that someone else would take the credit for it? Will …

Re: Is DSL Linux dead?

in Milliways
Just bear in mind that 386 support was removed from the Linux kernel in version 3.8, so for these very old beasts, you'll need an older kernel. 486 machines are still supported to this day, though. :slightly_smiling_face: See https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTI0OTg Also, here's a …

Re: Is DSL Linux dead?

in Milliways
You're welcome. :slight_smile: By the way, the Linux kernel developers are looking for a maintainer for the CD-ROM code. Any takers here, by any chance? It's probably mostly legacy and vintage computer users who are still using this functionality. https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px= …

Re: Is DSL Linux dead?

in Milliways
Have any of you considered Alpine Linux, by any chance? It's a very lightweight Linux distro mostly used in embedded applications and as the base image for Docker containers. It's very light on resource consumption. It even uses a lightweight C library other than GLIBC by default. It also forms the …

Re: english, the planetary language

in Milliways
Well, that makes sense, given how Afrikaans is an offshoot of Dutch. Native Dutch speakers can understand Afrikaans and vice versa, provided that one is speaking clearly and not too quickly. To the Dutch, Afrikaans sounds like some kind of weird slang. Especially the use of double negatives. It …

Re: english, the planetary language

in Milliways
I find that Russians always have very American sounding English, in fact it seems to be a thing that the further back along the Baltic you go the more American their English sounds, so you've got Norway, Denmark and Germany sounding quite English, then Sweden, Poland, Lithuania sounding kinda mid …

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