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Re: Radeon 8500LE vs 8500

The Serpent Rider wrote on 2023-12-27, 02:08: True 8500LE usually lacked the second RAMDAC. It's a small chip located near the GPU. Theatre? I don't think that is a good clue, nor ramdac.

Re: Most advanced game to run on Voodoo 5

songo wrote on 2023-12-20, 18:10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MkfMi9T_xI He managed to run not only Resident Evil 4, MGS 2 but even Crysis... and that all on Windows 11 WTF? How is it even possible? Whenever you are with Win10+ and an old card expect a software renderer.

Re: What graphicscard is this?

Anonymous Coward wrote on 2023-12-20, 02:46: Whenever I see a graphics card with the RAMDAC placed on the wrong end of the PCB, I just assume it must be substandard. Why are so many cheapo cards designed like this? It doesn't appear that PCB real estate was lacking. Maybe Alliance screwed up the …

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