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Re: ET4000AX 1024x768x256 on TFT

in PC Emulation
Thanks for reply For sure, i think same, this must be the reason, but i don´t understand how a cheap trident can, and a ET4000AX that i read in every place is a great card, can´t Must be some kind of way to solve this problem... The only solution i know for now, is sell it, and buy another card.... …

Re: ET4000AX 1024x768x256 on TFT

in PC Emulation
It has happened to me also. Maybe it has to do something about the refresh rate supported by the monitor. Try switching to 60Hz while you have the CRT monitor connected, and then try the TFT. How much memory does the ET4000AX has? I don´t know how to swicth to 60hz in msdos or 3.1 I tried scitech …

Re: ET4000AX 1024x768x256 on TFT

in PC Emulation
Is funny, logic say that the ET4000AX is the shit compared with the 8900C, but the trident can do 1024x768 in my TFT, and the 4000 don´t.... Then for now, yes, sadly, the trident still rocks for me I really want to know if is possible to get 1024 in a normal way in the ET4000

ET4000AX 1024x768x256 on TFT

in PC Emulation
Hi, i don´t have any idea what happen with my ET4000AX that can´not do 1024x768x256 on a TFT monitor In a CRT works ok, i think maybe is because this card do in a interlaced mode? My old Trident 8900C works perfect in 1024 on this TFT :sad: I spend some money in this ET4000, just for keep using the …

Re: SCSI or IDE for 386

in PC Emulation
Only dos up to 6.22 is limited in this way. In Dos 7 and others u can use FAT32 Now in my pc for old games i have the 40gb disk with 3 partitions, main 30gb Fat32, 512mb fat16 for swap & one 8gb for ext2 Works perfect,but im wonder a scsi disk would give me fast experience in win3x or some dos games …

SCSI or IDE for 386

in PC Emulation
Hi, i have a ISA aha-1542cf scsi card, but not hard disk. The computer is a 386DX40 I want to know, if worth the difference spend money in a scsi disk, or i use a 40GB IDE disk i still have. I only care abou speed (dos,win3x...) I use DOS & Win3x, not Win95 Thanks

Re: Help with 386DX-40 & 386 mobo

in PC Emulation
Hello, sorry for delay to answer Here i have some photos if my 386 motherbard, and the cyrix 387 Can you help me to find the correct way to put the 387? i don´t sure http://www.akihabara-online.com/386/IMG_20111013_114054.jpg http://www.akihabara-online.com/386/IMG_20111013_114102.jpg http://www. …

Re: Wallpapers - windows default 16 color

in Milliways
TheElf@ How do you get good results with a lower number of colours and without error diffusion? I think the only way is to do patterns by hand... from dark brown to orange... http://www.akihabara-online.com/386/Walls/pattern.gif By the way, I made new ones. Like others, 20 reserved colors http:// …

Re: Wallpapers - windows default 16 color

in Milliways
telanus wrote: Here is one I "did". It was originally a Windows 8 wallpaper. Thanks but this wallpaper is 8bits, 256colors. Is only useful in 15+ bits screens These wallpapers rock! I need more of these Sticking Tongue Out Thanks. I will do more 😀

Re: Wallpapers - windows default 16 color

in Milliways
By the way, all wallpapers are made in a Toshiba CT50, win3.1, paint shop pro 3 That's not quite easy. You need a simple shaded picture with distinct contrast for it to work well. Not very difficult, but take time, and yes, not all pictures are suitables for 16 colors I really need ideas about …

Re: Wallpapers - windows default 16 color

in Milliways
From my part, you can try downloading this and see : Wallpapers from Windows 3.0 Oh, i remember 3.0 wallpapers, thanks. I remember I bought windows 3.0 years..years ago... jaja thanks I used to make my own with paint brush as a kid. I think i do not need to specify they were ugly as sin though. and …

Wallpapers - windows default 16 color

in Milliways
Hello! sorry my english, i´m from Spain I was searching, and don´t find any post that shows users wallpapers in windows default 16 color, or the default 20 color of 256 palette I´m assembling a 386, and i bought a ET4000 with 1mb, and i really want to use 1024x768, but im stuck with 256 color mode …

Re: Help with 386DX-40 & 386 mobo

in PC Emulation
I would like to refer you to this page: http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=27015 at least two members here(myself included) have built a 386-40 system and the 2nd picture shows EXACTLY how math co-processors fit into the socket. take care inserting the co-pro into the socket. If nothing else, …

Help with 386DX-40 & 386 mobo

in PC Emulation
Hello!! this is my first post here, Greetings to all! sorry any mistake, im from Spain I want to build a 386DX-40 to play old games, and i bought this motherboard http://i.ebayimg.com/00/$%28KGrHqV,!iME5jq%29%28nrlBOeNpMcF%28g~~_12.JPG I have this CX 83D87 40 from Cyrix http://www.recycledgoods.com/ …

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