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Going to sit on the sidelines and wait till more comes out as to how it all goes before getting too excited, these sort of games are meant to be played solo and not with groups of random people or worse idiots you know. I am still very annoyed if not pissed with all the Skryim spam and there being …

Re: Batteries and Device Failure

The truth of it is that Apple's hardware is shit and only gets worse where past generations were either decent to very good but anything in the last few years is complete junk. I really like their software but their hardware is well proven to be garbage, wouldn't surprise me the Chinese knockoffs …

Re: Why I sold all my Voodoo rigs

At some point or another lot of people get to where they are ready to move on but for the rest even if the hardware dies at least it did what it was meant too and we got to enjoy it while it lasted. The older you get the more you will realize that very little stands the test of time.

Re: Retro Hardware Prices... are NUTS!

This is why I go through the trouble of hoarding in the first place, do it on the cheap when no one gives a rat's ass or thinks you are insane and profit later by not having to pay out the rear later. I wonder how many here are regretting not stocking up on 3DFX cards..

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