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Re: DOSBox w/ built in MUNT Emulation

The waveform-cache is recreated every time if (and only if) munt can't write to the directory containing the ROMs. Ah, I see, as a security minded person I'm running Windows as normal user and not as Administrator. So no write access to the system32 dir (where the roms get installed to). Something …

Re: DOSBox w/ built in MUNT Emulation

Moe, I would agree except for two reasons: - The standalone driver is Windows-only, while the patch allows MT-32 emulation on any platform supported by DOSBox - The standalone driver is more out of date than the Munt CVS Now that I tried the driver I'm pretty sure about a third reason: starting up …

Re: Status of the latest Dosbox with MT-32?

Hmm, I may not have worded it correctly, I meant if the patch still works with current CVS of both Munt and Dosbox. Seems I should just try it and answer this myself :) If I understand correctly you just used the old builds and the old Dosbox 0.63/driver combo. Oh wow, I'm such a dumbass. Of course …

Re: some questions...

Resident_Evil_[Capcom][1997][rip][group_Paradigm] i own this game but my brother has it so i just asked him to copy it (not illegal we own the original copy) and give me the links to get it suuuuuuuuuuuuuure

Emulating hdd serial number

As always I'm trying to get this one favorite program to run in Dosbox/windows 3.11 combo. I'm talking about the shareware program Inner Space. I licensed it ages ago and it is working correctly when I run it from a boot image (with Windows 3.x installed) but never got it to work correctly when I …

Re: SDL and ddraw hardware surfaces

thanks Hunter for taking your time to explain it to me. ...compiling...compiling...compiling... Damn it takes some time to compile that 😀 Edit #2: And what did I learn? SDL CVS is not stable 😀 (with last CVS I get errors when compiling Dosbox) Now lets go back to 1.2.9

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