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Re: 486 max

486 multipliers selection is independent of bus speed. The final multiplier is hardcoded in the CPU. Basically, the CPU detects if your motherboard set the value of the multi to off or on. If off, you get the first hardcoded multiplier. If on, the second. So dx2s usually have 1x and 2x, Some AMD get …

Re: The good old and glorious 486 DX 50 - and - rant against 25 MHz buses in the Pentium era

The speed difference between 486s from AMD and intel appears only at dx4 level. The dx2 66s are pretty much equal. AMD's dx4 is probably just a faster version of their dx2 while intel seems to have made some improvements. As for the bus speed, remember results I show are video games. They should be …

Re: The good old and glorious 486 DX 50 - and - rant against 25 MHz buses in the Pentium era

Aries-mu, it is important with a limited set of data to not jump to conclusions too quickly. Else you can prove anything you want :) The difference between the two dx4s here is not only 8k vs 16k, but also intel Vs AMD. At same cache quantity, intel's is already quite faster than amd's. As for the …

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