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Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

Had to e-mail neocities because not but a few hours after uploading an update to my new site it was down and seems my account does not exist except to send password resets and username retrievals - WTH? I might end up using my Geocities.ws site if I've only had this account a week and I'm already …

Re: CD-Burners

I'm not nostalgic on that front - I just like being able to burn data off my vintage DOS/Win9x boxen if the networking breaks. CD-R's are still fairly cheap and I know where to find them. Far cheaper and ieasier than ZIp Drives (what I used to use).

Re: Allure of retro computing

For me it was because I wanted an inexpensive computer with internet access back in 2001, and 486's were now the butt of jokes at the time, so I knew I could pick one up dirt cheap, "Hot Rod" it just barely enough to be a usable "Daily Driver". I never thought I'd end up owning over 50-60ish vintage …

Re: I build too many computers

Been there, done that. I remember back in the 2000's when I Started with all this I had as many as 32 computers at my mom's house - everything from 8088-PIII , Macintoshes both Power and 68K, a Coco, a Commodore, and a TI-99/4a. And far less of a clue as to how to get the most out of them than I do …

Re: Leak of Windows 11

Let's just say I used to work for these guys and got to run Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 before they were released. Reading through the posts, seems consistent with my experience that the "Bloat" gets added on after the beta releases. When Windows 8.0 was in Beta, I installed it on a Toshiba Techra M7 …

Re: Newly made PCMCIA sound card

I had another random idea, not sure if it makes any sense. If you have a laptop that has a non-dos game compatible card but you can still talk to it, would there be any value in making a very basic PCMCIA card that is able to sit on a selected port i.e 220h, 330h, 338h etc and emulate a device and …

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