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Re: PS2 Connector

You don't want to get it wrong or there could be damage. What can u damage ?the motherboard ? Maybe. There's a dead power supply and mouse in one of these threads: http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=27573 You don't want to get it wrong or there could be damage. Mobo header pinouts don't …

Re: AMD 486 DX4-100 (WT), Intel 486 DX4-100 (WT) & Intel Pentium Overdrive 83 MHz (WT) performance comparisons

So far, based on my own tests and only using the turbo switch, I've confirmed that AMD 486 CPU's with L1 write throug h cache underclocks much better than AMD 486 CPU's with L1 write back cache - the latter underclocks with a very slight margin (it's hardly noticeable on some benchmark tests). I've …

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