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Re: best version of Office to learn

in Milliways
Honestly, if you don't have a legit license for the most recent version of office, then just use LibreOffice instead. These days the general functionality and interface is pretty close between them both. It's 'good enough' for most things. No, it doesn't have a direcr Access equivalent, but Access …

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

in Milliways
Seems like you need to put a linux distro on a hardware config when it is exactly 3 years old, time enough for all your hardware to be working properly and then backup to the deep freeze cold storage because it's not gonna be many updates until it's breaking... on the one hand getting told "sorry …

Re: best version of Office to learn

in Milliways
Whatever you learn on an older version will most probably still apply for the latest. (By "learn" I don't mean menu options placement, these change all the time. You can never learn them unless you use a specific version daily, and it's not even needed). My opinion is that there is no point working …

Re: MULE386 does not draw certain screens

According to the .diz file in the same folder it's a free pre-release, not even the shareware version. So many things can be broken and well, they are. The graphical issues are present even on real hardware. ripsaw8080 is of course right about the unintuitive interface but it does seem very, very …

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