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Re: Guess the game!!

in Milliways
Ha 😀 Ok, one more screenshot, this time of the subtitular main character's titular vehicle: Filename ls.png File size 26.58 KiB Views 1261 views

Re: Guess the game!!

in Milliways
Nice! Points for clueless' Space Station Odyssey as well though, that is what it's called. Ok; here's my (first) contribution. I don't have that many obscure games, but here goes: Filename 6.png File size 46.61 KiB Views 1354 views

Re: What are the best Sound Canvas games?

in Milliways
I really enjoyed: Touché (but read this: http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=46344 ) Conquests of the Longbow (but get the MIDI patch: http://sierrahelp.com/Utilities/SoundUtilities.html ) edit: also really liked Frontier: First Encounters (the Dave Lowe stuff), Azrael's Tear and of course Duke …

B.A.T. II (Koshan Conspiracy) music: CD vs. floppy version

in DOS
Does anyone know if the CD version of B.A.T. II is supposed to have music? I have the floppy version (which plays a couple of MOD tracks) and out of curiosity / for a potential purchase decided to try a download(*) of the CD version. It appears to have added voice, but only very minimal ambient …

Re: Guess the game by a phrase

in Milliways
F2bnp wrote: Indeed! Here's a new one. That's a convincing George Stobbart, from Broken Sword 😀 I'm not currently set up to record audio, so I'm skipping my turn (might join in at a later date though). Having fun guessing though!

Re: Bought these games today

in Milliways
You must have the CD from the Enhanced version in your original box. That's what I figured at first as well, but the disc contains only the original VGA & EGA Battle Chess (and is dated 1990, pre-enhanced version). Strangely enough Future Wars is on there as well, could be a demo, but looks like …

Re: Bought these games today

in Milliways
Just bought this Battle Chess set off eBay. Anyone familiar with this specific version? It has the EGA & VGA versions of the game on 3.5" & CD-ROM, and a voucher for 5.25" disks. The sticker (red, while most I found had green) does list the included 3.5" disks and 5.25" offer, but no mention of the …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries - never finished it back in the day, decided to give it another go after completing all of MW2 & GBL again. Still like it less :) Conquests of Camelot (and probably Conquests of the Longbow after it) Civilization: Beyond Earth Trackmania United Forever - got to have al …

Re: Do you play games off of their CDs?

in DOS
While I still derive actual fun from using cartridge-based media (even though I have heaps of ROMs emulated excellently and ready-to-go on PC) I have grown to dislike using optical media: it's slow, noisy, that cumbersome drawer (slot-loaders should go die in a fire though), spin-up time and every …

Re: (Sound?) stutters if not using fixed cycles?

That's the strange thing, many games: Mechwarrior 2 @ 1024 (demanding) or Dune 2 (not demanding). This is on an Intel i7 @ 3.4GHz. It's also not really stuttering per se (I know the crackling at too high a cycle rate), it's an intermittent hiccup here or there, like the game speed is slightly uneven …

(Sound?) stutters if not using fixed cycles?

This is a minor issue I have been having with DOSBox (0.74 and later SVN builds) I've never been able to solve: if cycles=max or auto, many, maybe all games occasionally have very slight 'hitches' or 'stutters' in the audio, most noticeable in background music. Setting an appropriate fixed cycles …

Re: Most memorable games you've played

in Milliways
The 7th Guest - Lots of fond memories, one of the first games I played intensively with my dad. Loved the story and George Sanger's soundtrack. Mechwarrior 2 (original flat-shaded version) - Truly felt like piloting a 'Mech; much more sim-like and immersive than later installments. GREAT atmosphere …

Re: Touché: Stuck note on SC-55

Wow, awesome! That's some extensive testing, thanks! So it seems the x-fi on-board MIDI not hanging is the exception. If I would be able to 'fix' the MIDI file with editing software, would there be a way to re-pack it into TOUCHE.DAT? (Was also using a UM-ONE (v.1) by the way)

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