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OS/2 2.X won't boot on 486.

When I say won't boot, I mean the INSTALL floppy will start to be read, and then... nothing. Generally I'd just pass it off, but this is really bugging me- I wanted to muck around with it on period correct hardware. So I ask- what are some troubleshooting options for this version? Google isn't being …

Re: Diamond Stealth 24 VLB drivers

in Marvin \ Video
VESA utilities and such for DOS, and Win 3.11 drivers, maybe NT 3/3.5. E: On this note, the Mach32 has a utility to change DOS mode refresh reates which is /amazing/ for playing Doom or whatever. Is there a way to do this for other cards via a generic utlity or something?

Diamond Stealth 24 VLB drivers

in Marvin \ Video
I bought this card recently- and god I am hoping I'm right that it's better than a Mach32- and I had a look on the driver library just now... I don't see any. It's an SC 805 based card- perhaps there's generic drivers that would work?

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