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Re: DOSBox-X branch

It's been a busy week! To answer some questions: Yes, I will add a keybinding for the Brazilian key to generate that scancode. I'm also up for adding a configuration option in DOSBox on what to do with F13-F24. The TVGA8900 just arrived at my place according to Ebay, so I might get around to …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

For some reason, when I try to install NT 3.1 with the Aztech IDE CD-ROM Driver (actually compatible on your branch) and directly from CD, in the GUI setup, it doesn't copy the files.

Re: DOSBox-X branch

I saw your original comment about the TVGA8900 and Windows 2.x. I have no problem with implementing that graphics card down the line. If I or anyone else here chooses to do it, all you need is the driver and Windows 2.x and time to write another SVGA emulation, bonus if you have an actual TVGA8900 …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

About the ET4000 video emulation, there's still the bug where, while entering a DOS session in Windows 3.x (3.0 and 3.1x) in Window mode, the whole screen of the guest becomes scretched horizontally.

Re: PCEm. Another PC emulator.

in PC Emulation
Stiletto wrote: you're putting the hurt on MESS with all those supported graphics/sound cards. What does that mean? Btw, it's still great to have a PCI-enabled S3 Virge than an ISA-enabled one in MESS at the moment.

Re: PCEm. Another PC emulator.

in PC Emulation
I have enabled the v86 logs on x86seg.c and this happens when opening a Win16 or DOS program on NT 3.1 (also on later releases, like 3.5, 3.51, 4.0 and 2000): Copy code to clipboard 1 V86 IRET to 0070 9BEA 0000 0000

Re: PCEm. Another PC emulator.

in PC Emulation
neozeed wrote: when it crashes in gdb do a bt for backtrace, it'll show the order of what was calling what. a quick question, are you able to fix PCem to have ntvdm compatibility? the emulator currently lacks it when running NT (from 3.1 to 2000) as a guest.

Re: PCEm. Another PC emulator.

in PC Emulation
Hi, I found PCEm a few months back -is there a newer release than 8.1 that you're all using; or are you simply compiling from source? I haven't been able to figure out what steps I need to take to compile so I've been waiting for the next release to come out, but it sounds like there's been a lot …

Re: PCEm. Another PC emulator.

in PC Emulation
Hi, I found PCEm a few months back -is there a newer release than 8.1 that you're all using; or are you simply compiling from source? I haven't been able to figure out what steps I need to take to compile so I've been waiting for the next release to come out, but it sounds like there's been a lot …

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