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Re: Athlon Problems

If you can find the spec TDP for the chip you're interested in, it can help quite a bit for determining its sinking needs - if memory serves even the later AthlonXPs are only in the 60-70W range though (that's "a lot" compared to something like a Pentium III or 486, but it's "low average" compared …

Re: Is it safe to use a splitter instead of a mixer?

Possible damage notwithstanding, ganging together audio wires can cause distortion even with only one playing due to unintended electrical paths. A cheap switch box is much better, but it has to make good contact or audio quality will be impacted. The high-end solution is a receiver. P.S. edit: I …

Buffer overflow

Current SVN, trunk/src/gui/sdl_mapper.cpp, lines 2394 and 2395. button_pressed belongs in the 8 loop. In 0.74, bug exists at lines 2388 and 2389. Also, +1 to removing the 4-axis limit as discussed here . The 8-way hat on the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro shows up as axes 5 and 6 and I want to use it as …

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