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Re: How many use linux?

Didn't we just have this conversation? http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=39838 Not quite the same, similar yes and eventually everyone started saying what distro they were using yes but less straight forward. I'm just kinda letting everyone tell why they like the distro's they are using and …

How many use linux?

Was talking to a few people and I noticed a few of you guys actually use linux too. So I was wondering how many of you actually use linux? I've now gone full linux only and I use Fedora 20 with the MATE desktop for my everyday "modern" computer. I've even thought about trying to put linux on some of …

Re: crashes in Ubuntu fix

Yeah the amazon thing was partially what I mean but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that right in the contract it says by installing ubuntu you allow canonical to collect data from your system or something like that. Unfortunately I no longer remember where it was I read that. The thing is …

Re: crashes in Ubuntu fix

Best advice: Don't use anything with the Ubuntu kernel. Trust me there are plenty of easy to use linux distro's out there and they don't spy on you. Personally I advise every ubuntu user I come across to switch to Fedora. It's easy to use, can be installed with a variety of desktop choices (MATE, …

Re: 5.25" Floppy Drives

lol Yeah he really is but not in the "get off my lawn!" way he's more of a weirdo who is really self centered. Anytime you go to help him (most of the time cause he is a fucking idiot) he does something to kick sand in your face right after you finish helping. This is pretty much another one of …

Re: Thrift store finds? (Software)

That's true, but I still find good software there. 😜 My particular goodwill doesn't have anything to do with computers, they don't sell them or anything which is a shame because I love looking over vintage computer hardware.

Re: 5.25" Floppy Drives

The real ironic part of all of this is that I have an older next door nieghbor who is a bit strange. I happened to notice a few weeks ago that he has an old PC in his shed with a 5.25" floppy disk drive in it so I asked him if he would sell it to me but he refuses to on the grounds that it's …

Re: 5.25" Floppy Drives

Doesn't Interlink work on the Jr.? A serial cable should set you back less than a floppy drive, and IIRC the software can install itself remotely (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Maybe, but I'd need a serial to PCjr proprietary cable adapter since the PCjr has non standard ports for everything. …

5.25" Floppy Drives

Hey I was just wondering, are 5.25" floppy diskette drives really as rare as ebay would suggest? I mean I need one for transferring files easily from my regular computers to a computer with USB and 5.25" floppy disk compatibility (which I have) so that I can write and read disks for and from my IBM …

Re: The Death Throes of Radio Shack

I see Radio Shack being an online only retailer inside of a few years. The brick and mortar stores are just too expensive to maintain for what little sales they do. It's cheaper to staff a single warehouse that serves an entire geographic region than to have hundreds of stores in that region. It …

Re: The Death Throes of Radio Shack

No actually you're absolutely correct. I was just saying to say someone yesterday that it's insane that people treat computers like disposable kodak cameras from a drugstore. It's sad but it's a reality, it's amazing how many people don't know anything about computers yet use them every day.

Re: Old computers for daily tasks?

That is true, at the store where I work they still use an old impact printer for printouts of grociery stock related things. (I'm a cashier so I have no idea what they do on that computer specifically :P ) I was pretty surprised to see a printer from the 80's still in use in 2014 for business …

Re: Thrift store finds? (Software)

Oh good point! How did I miss that thread? Except this thread is a tad different in that it specifies non online purchases. I think random finds are much more exciting. :) Also yes I am subscribed to LGR I've watched all the videos he has made multiple times. (I also have watched Roadgeek (Since he …

Re: Thrift store finds? (Software)

Keep your eyes open guys, I just found a box of floppy disks containing the following games: Oh No More Lemmings! Hostage : The Resque Mission Star Quake Fighting For Rome Dig Dug Outrun Ninja Gaiden Golf Mission : Attack demo disk (LHX Attack chopper, 688 Attack sub, Sturmovik) Ticket To Win Demo …

Re: Old computers for daily tasks?

I still use my 1996 Packard Bell Platinum 55 to run Excel 97 so that I can balance my checkbook. It's more of a novelty to use such an old computer but I love the simplicity of Excel 97 and Windows 98 so there really is no real reason to use anything else. I do have a USB PCI card installed on the …

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