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Re: DOSBox-X branch

That's the thing... where did you find out about mach_task_self()? I couldn't find anything about that. The most useful resource I could find was the MIT site that described what it *does*, the next problem was *how do you refer to your own task*. Neither that site, nor Apple's, nor anyone else on …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

And yet, nobody describes how the hell you get your own VM map handle whatever-the-hell-it-is for yourself so you can use it. It's designed to map memory from one task (process) into another (possibly different) task. The vm_map_t arguments refer to the source and target tasks. We want the source …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

ChromeOS solves it another way. https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/kernel/+/179b15db55fc3642a8e9f0e97e15cfe8a74a406e Unless I'm overlooking something they are skipping over a much simpler solution: linux has memfd_create to associate an fd with memory, avoiding the shmem/ …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

You can also not mix i686 and x86_64 inside one process. You can on windows. All 32-bit apps get loaded with a 64-bit code segment accessible to them, for communicating with the kernel (it's how WoW64 works). Since the segment value is hardcoded and x86 has unprivileged instructions to get a …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

It looks like there is a Darwin/mach-specific task remap function to make exactly that kind of split mapping, because Apple themselves uses it on iOS to JIT compile JavaScript. However portability is a concern and there are Linux systems with the same restriction, so I may have to either implement …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

This typecast is optimized out by VS2019's compiler in Release builds, causing only the low 32 bits to be written in any case and a crash when executing the dynamically generated code. DOSBox-X fixes the issue by explicitly masking the pointer by 0xFFFFFFFF for that test instead of relying on …

Re: Boxedwine (Wine on multiple platforms)

in PC Emulation
FWIW, early 2000s/win98 era safedisc protection is pretty easy to bypass assuming the .bin files contain full 2352 byte sectors. It uses a different read command to check for its "bad" sectors, so all you need to do is manually verify the requested sector's CRC and return a read error if it doesn't …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST makes everything nearest neighbor filtered, that includes the mipmaps being drawn in place of full sized textures when you stand far away. I know this. But OpenGL allows different filtering options for magnification vs. minification. GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST is only a …

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