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MIDI sounds too loud?

When I try to apply all volume controls with my MIDI emulation, for some reason it gets too loud, overflowing the container (according to the little noise made when playing songs). I did it according to the Soundfont 2.4 specification as far as I know. My source code: ADSR: https://bitbucket.org/ …

Re: x86EMU emulator releases

My latest build: x86EMU_20160224_1612.zip - Globalized low and high pass filters for all hardware. - Changed PC speaker low pass filter to 20kHz instead of 22kHz(22050Hz). - Improved VGA vs CPU ratio depending on available CPU speed (slower CPUs will have slower VGA, faster CPUs will have faster VGA …

Re: x86EMU emulator releases

My latest build: x86EMU_20160223_1535.zip - Enabled the sound high pass filter again to protect sound output from DC (this works correctly, according to captures. The sound low pass filter is still disabled (global emulator low pass filter).). - Fixed Covox Speech Thing not clearing output when the …

Re: x86EMU emulator releases

My latest build (a little fix): x86EMU_20160222_1915.zip Removed all filters but the required MIDI low pass filter (required by the Soundfont 2.4 specification). The filters are currently messing up audio being generated (like the Adlib and even MIDI audio(high pass filter)). They will probably be …

Re: x86EMU emulator releases

My latest x86EMU build: x86EMU_20160222_1452.zip - Implemented MIDI attenuation. It will now produce more correct volume levels for it's sounds. - Fixed MIDI volume issues. - Fixex sound module issues (applies to all hardware producing sound). - Fixed 8088 clock speed to 9 cycles instead of 8 cycles …

Re: x86EMU emulator releases

My latest build: x86EMU_20160221_1330.zip - Implemented a high pass filter of 1Hz into the sound module to prevent Direct Current (DC) on the sound output. - Fixed MIDI sample overflow by clipping with too high a volume. - The SFDIMG disk image now will use a smaller, platform-independent header. …

Re: x86EMU emulator releases

All system specific stuff is in the header file concerning the system (types_win.h, types_linux.h, types_psp.h). All other defines and functions are either in the normal code itself (and in it's respective header file) or defined in it's system specific header (like the mkdir being mapped to …

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