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Re: x86EMU emulator releases

I'll test those changes later. My latest x86EMU build: x86EMU_20151121_1846.zip - Fixed PS/2 mouse missing IRQ handling. - Implemented prefetching for all CPUs. Edit: I've tried your instructions. It now installs correctly (I didn't closed the window when it told me to during installation). I've …

Re: VGA VRAM read/write multithread locking required?

Emulated VRAM doesn't have locks. The main thread reads and writes to emulated VRAM. The rendering thread only reads from emulated VRAM. Any VGA register changes (resolution changes and other settings of the VGA) are protected with locks when updating the renderer information from the CPU thread( …

Re: x86EMU emulator releases

I get some errors running the SDL-install: Unpacking "SDL-1.2.15.zip" into "C:\MinGW\src". 'sh' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'sh' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'sh' is not recognized as …

VGA VRAM read/write multithread locking required?

I have the main thread(CPU emulation) writing and reading emulated VGA vram memory. There's also a timer thread reading that memory and writing it to the emulator display buffer. Will CPU emulation reads/writes produce errors reading/writing the emulated VRAM? Or will only the renderer produce …

Re: x86EMU emulator releases

I also try to get MinGW set up and running, but it won't work installing according to the basic manual, then compiling SDL 1.X (Latest version as far as I can remember). It gives me a lot of compile errors about stuff not being found etc. After that I still need to compile SDL_gfx and then my own …

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