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What's at F000:0000 in an IBM PC?

I know that F000:0000 to F000:FFFF contain the BIOS. Anyone knows if software expects something to be at F000:0000 to execute? Is there a reserved start of a certain handler there? The same about F800:0000, is there something reserved there? Can this area safely be filled at my own whim with BIOS …

Re: Windows 95 full chip requirements?

I mean, if I would take a motherboard with only IBM PC components, as given by the IBM specs (except for more RAM and a better CPU), enough RAM, a 386DX CPU and 8042 controller with mouse and keyboard connected to it, will Windows 95 run? Or will DOS run and Windows 95 crash because some required …

Re: Windows 95 full chip requirements?

I mean just the bare minimum support to make it run (so VGA card, PIT, PIC, 386DX CPU or higher, PS/2 mouse and/or keyboard). So the basics of an IBM PC with a 386DX or higher CPU and a VGA graphics card. Is there anything more needed to boot? Or will it run with this hardware (emulated)?

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