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Re: 808x and prefetch

Hey, it's worked for me for ~15 years, why change? :) But the needs of the userbase have changed. Back then, there were many more real 386+ machines around where people could run things that PCem could not, now there are less and less. Though I would personally be satisfied if PCem got the 386+ …

Re: 808x and prefetch

On the contrary, MAME's ("MESS" was merged in over a year ago and that name is no longer used) at486 and at586 happily run DOS, Windows 1/2/3/95/98/ME, NT 3.1/3.5/4.0/2000, OS/2 1, 2, 3, and Warp, Linux, FreeBSD, XENIX, and a lot of other stuff. A lot of which also runs on PCem. Of course, there's …

Re: PCEm. Another PC emulator.

- Dominus: Because it's totally the project's fault if some people are being too overzealous about it. Base your opinion on the project itself, not its fans. There are several fans of Queen around that are idiot, that doesn't give Queen a bad reputation though, as what's important is their work...

Re: The SoftMuseum Collection (emulator)

nice, another pcem "blackjack & hookers" fork that doesn't really give back to upstream using a fork of early unfinished features from the tree.with the intention to "one up" PCem with its "superiority" I wonder why you have so much of a problem with any fork of PCem? You don't seem to have …

Re: PCEm. Another PC emulator.

- SarahWalker: Well yeah, I do sometimes do that. And once again I apologize that. And I'm not really sensitive to criticism, more to insult. If leilei came with an open mind with legitimate criticism, I would have been all ears. But instead, he/she resorted to outright accusations and ad hominem …

Re: PCEm. Another PC emulator.

- leileilol: Thank you for proving my point. I did not attack you in any way, I simpley came here to correct your disinformation and insults, and in response you add me to your foes list. Also, let me post counterexamples to your examples: 1. This report on the VGA DOS grabbing bug in Windows 3.1 , …

Re: PCEm. Another PC emulator.

- F2nbp: Yes, I'm from the Magicball network. :p - SarahWalker: My own history? Yes, sure, I've had some episodes of bad behavior, I will admit that and I think I apologized several times already. It's interesting that you still cling to those even though I have even contributed patches to the …

Re: PCEm. Another PC emulator.

- leileilol: Can I ask what's your problem? Have you even tried PCem-X, and I mean a recent compile to which I can quite gladly provide a link, not an old release from January or February? Because you sure like spreading misinformation about it around. First, my FDC code is for the most part better …

Re: Codepage for system - CHCP?

You can type swedish but you can't create swedish filenames. AFAIU that's how dos worked, so there is not going to be a solution Which is wrong. MS-DOS in fact did suport non-English file names. It even had special tables in COUNTRY.SYS for character capitalization in file names. MS-DOS supported …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

It's done. - Numeric keypad = - F13-F24 as shifted F1-F12 - Japanese keyboard keys - Korean keyboard keys The mapper is built so that if you have a US english keyboard like mine you can still bind some of your keys to the Japanese/Korean ones to test regardless. NOTE: For Japanese Windows 95, the …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

Hm... are you aware though that scan code 0x59 on the PC is already associated with the right shift key in scan code set 2 and 3? Well that's a different scan code set. The key I'm talking about is 0x0F in scan code set 2 and 3: http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/kbd/scancodes-10.html#ss10.3 . This …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

Alright, looking around, it looks like the IBM PC never had a numeric equals sign key (that I can find). In fact almost every IBM PC keyboard I can find has no equals key on the numeric keypad. Do you mind if I just go ahead and map that to the same handling as the normal equals key? No, because I …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

Well, it's about getting the correct scan codes generated inside DOSBox-X, nothing else. Even on a real PC, any key will simply generate the appropriate scan code, and it's up to the OS and the installed drivers/TSR's to do something with them. As for the F13-F16, I'm talking about the ones on an …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

I just tested DOSBox-X, and it's basically perfect. I only have one small issue - certain keys are not passed at all. Specifically the following keys: - [Apple] Keypad = (make code 0x59, break code 0xD9); - [Apple] F13 (make code 0x64, break code 0xE4); - [Apple] F14 (make code 0x65, break code 0xE5 …

Re: PCEm. Another PC emulator.

Well, from what I see, we know the fix for this time/date "bug". All that has to be done is for someone to add a configuration setting to PCem which can enable/disable changing the date/time inside the emulated PC. I could try doing that. That way the wolf is not hungry anymore and the sheep is …

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